About Us

Our Story

About Us

Selia Project is a studio that develops architectural material like weaving products which are environmentally friendly and prioritize in good design, also focus on quality and detail. Selia Project focuses on producing environmentally friendly architectural products and involving all building consultants, like architects, designers, contractors, and others. On daily basis, we like to innovate and collaborate to produce new ideas and supply the clients’ needs.

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Materials and Pattern

Our Service

Customize Furniture

We can make furniture based on client references. Range of material are from solid wood to aluminium with natural rattan or syntethic rattan.


We can produce weaving panel for various kinds of function such as façade, partition, artwork, sunshade for exterior and interior accents on wall, ceiling and column


We provide installation services for your projects, such as installation on exterior and interior with Selia’s Special Technician.


Sketches your Space


Elevate your Design


Longest Usage Period


Indicates your Style


Architecture and Interior

Our Skills

Why You'll Love Us

Weaving pattern that we provide can be applied for every purpose like building facade, sun shading, door, partition, furniture, etc. Every pattern has a different volume like 2D (flat) and 3D. Also, patterns have different intensities of holes, start from rigid to wide holes.

Weaving Pattern Development
Synthetic Recyceable Rattan Colour & Textures Development
Good Work & Passionate Team


Meet people who will make your dreams come true

Hasil anyaman rapi dan tepat waktu. Selia Project juga dapat membuat berbagai anyaman unik. Pelayanan terhadap klien baik dan bertanggung jawab.
Sejauh ini tidak ada (kritik dan saran), saya sangat terbantu dengan kinerja Selia yang Profesional dan Kooperatif.

Selia Project semakin banyak memiliki motif-motif anyaman yang unik.

    Let's work together

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